A State Organisation, formed in 1954, comprising and encompassing and having jurisdiction over all Non-Gazetted Government Employees belonging to A & N Islands Admn. who enroll themselves as members irrespective of their category and place of posting. Headquarter: Crusade House, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair - 744102
Ministry of Railways
Booking Through New Tatkal System to be Introduced from Tomorrow
To ensure the reserved accommodation in trains to the passengers, who need to travel by trains within a very short notice due to emergency, Shri Dinesh Trivedi, Hon’ble Minister for Railways has advised to implement new Tatkal booking scheme on and from Monday (tomorrow), 21 November 2011. This Tatkal booking facility is to be introduced to eliminate the possibility of booking of tickets by touts/miscreants through Tatkal scheme and sell to the passengers in emergency, against high premium. Booking procedure through new Tatkal scheme is given below:-
The Advance Reservation Period (ARP) of Tatkal scheme is reduced from two days to one day excluding the day of journey from the train originating station w.e.f Monday, 21 November 2011. For example, if a train is to depart from the originating station on the second of the month, the Tatkal quota for that particular train shall open at 08.00 hrs. on the first of the month.
i) Agents /Rail Travel Service Agencies (RTSAs) will not be allowed booking Tatkal tickets at the counters between 08.00 hrs. and 10.00 hrs. on the opening day of Tatkal Advance Reservation Facility for booking with train starting date falling beyond 22/11/2011. RTSA opted Tatkal booking in normal counters also will not be allowed between 08.00 hrs and 10.00 hrs. on the opening day of Tatkal for booking with train starting date falling beyond 22 November 2011.
ii) System will allow to book only maximum 4 passengers in a Tatkal booking w.e.f 21/11/2011.
iii) Tatkal tickets shall be issued only on production of one of the eight prescribed proofs of identity as per procedure explained below:-
a) For this purpose, a self-attested photocopy of the proof of identity of any one passenger should be attached to the requisition slip.
b) The details of the identity proof will be captured by the system and indicated on the reserved tickets as well on the reservation chart. It will not be mandatory for the passenger(s) to go to the counter to book the Tatkal ticket, however, the proof will have to be sent in the aforementioned manner.
c) During the journey, the passenger, whose identity card number has been indicated on the ticket, will have to produce original proof of identity indicated on the ticket, failing which all the passengers booked on the ticket shall be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly. Indication will come on the ticket regarding carrying the same original proof of identity during the journey, as indicated on the ticket.
d) If the passenger whose identity card number is indicated on the ticket is not travelling, all other passengers booked on that ticket, if found travelling in train, will be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly.
e) For booking done on more than one passenger, system will allow to input identification numbers passenger-wise in case if identification proofs are submitted by the concerned passengers. Input identification card information will be printed passenger-wise on the tickets as well as on the reservation chart. In such cases, in case of non-travelling of one of the passengers whose proof of identity has been indicated, other passenger(s) can undertake the journey on production of original proof of identity by the other passenger(s) whose proof of identity has been indicated on the ticket as well as on the reservation chart
f) No refund will be granted on cancellation of Tatkal confirmed tickets subject to the exception such as cancellation of trains/late running of trains for more than 3 hours, etc.
g) Cameras will be installed at the ticket counters to maintain stricter vigilance.
Govt clears changes in PFRDA Bill, allows 26% FDI in pension
The govt on Wednesday approved amendments to the PFRDA Bill 2011 while agreeing to the proposed 26 percent foreign investment in the pension sector but refrained from providing assured returns to subscribers in the proposed law.
The government had decided not to mention FDI cap in the legislation itself for retaining the flexibility of changing it through an executive order. The 26 per cent FDI cap is to be mentioned in the regulations to the legislation.
The changes to the PFRDA Bill were approved by the Union Cabinet at its meeting in New Delhi.
The Bill, which has already been scrutinised by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, is likely to be taken up for consideration and passage in the Winter Session beginning 22nd November.
"The government is of the view that FDI cap in the pension should be at 26 per cent at par with the insurance sector. However, it would like to retain the flexibility of changing the cap of FDI as and when required and that is why it has not been kept as part of the bill", an official spokesperson said.
The proposed legislation, the official said, will not provide assured returns to the subscribers of pension schemes.
The Committee, which is headed by senior BJP leader and former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, wanted the government to specify the FDI cap in the legislation itself and provide minimum guaranteed return to subscribers.
The government also turned down the Committee's recommendation for allowing greater flexibility to subscribers of pension schemes for pre-mature withdrawal of funds from their accounts.
"The flexibility of withdrawals from funds under the pension scheme, however, would be tightened. It would be allowed only in case of genuine needs...It would be considered when the need is critical. It will not be allowed for frivolous reasons," the official explained.
The government, however, upheld the panel's suggestion to provide greater participation of the employees and stakeholders in the Pension Advisory Committee, the official said.
The Bill, which was introduced in the Lok Sabha on March 2011, was referred to the Standing Committee for consideration.
The government, it may be mentioned, has not been able to raise FDI in insurance from 26 per cent to 49 per cent because the changes require amendments in law. The Insurance (Amendment) Bill has been pending since 2008.
Once the FDI caps are mentioned in the regulations, it would be easier for the government to modify the ceilings, as and when needed, through an executive order.
Courtesy: www.90paisa.blogspot.com
No. 12(4)/2008-E.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, O9th November, 2011
Subject: Grant of Hard Area Allowance to the Central Government employees posted n the Islands of UT of Lakshadweep other than Kavarati & Agati.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No.12(1)/E-II(B)/03 dt. 01-03-2004 on grant of Hard Area allowance to Central Govt. employees posted in Nicobar Group of Islands w.e.f. 01-04-2004 and subsequent O.M. No.12(4)/2008-E.II(B), dated 29th August 2008, extending this allowance to all central Government employees posted in Minicoy in Lakshadweep @ 25% of (basic pay + NPA, where applicable), w.e.f. 01-09-2008 which was accepted by the Govt. based on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission and to say that the proposal to also extend Hard Area Allowance in Islands other than Minicoy of UT of Lakshadweep has been under consideration of the Government for some time.
2. The President is now pleased to decide that Central Government employees posted in Kiltan, Andrott, Kalpeni, Chetlat, Kadmat, Amini and Bithra Islands of Lakshadweep shall be paid Hard Area Allowance @ 15% of (basic pay + NPA, where applicable), on the existing terms & conditions.
3. These order shall take effect from the date of issue.
4. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
5. Hindi version Is attached.
( Madhulika P.Sukul)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Trikool-II Bhikjl Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
ATTENTION: Central Civil Pensioners/Family Pensioners and Authorised Pension Disbursing Banks
1. The Life Certificate has to be submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner lo any Branch Manager of Pension Paying Bank in the months of November each year. The scheme booklet (4th edition, 3 Dec 2004) detailing the "Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Bank’s has been amended to include para 15.2 (i) which provides for an exemption from personal appearance of the pensioner in the bank. The same is quoted below for ready reference of all concerned.
"A pensioner who produces a life certificate in the prescribed form in, Annexure-XVII (given below) signed by any person specified hereunder, however, is exempted from personal appearance:
i. A person exercising the powers of a Magistrate under the Criminal Procedure code:
ii. A Registrar or Sub-Registrar appointed under Indian Registration Act.
iii. A Gazetted Government servant:
iv. A Police Officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector in-charge of a Police Station:
v. A Class-I Officer of the Reserve Bank of India an officer (including Grade II officer) of the State Bank of India or of its subsidiary:
vi. A pensioned Officer who, before retirement, exercised the powers of a magistrate:
vii. A Justice of Peace:
viii. A Block Development Officer, Munsif, Tehsildar or Naib Tehsìldar:
ix. A Head of Village Panchayat. Gram Panchayat Gaori Panchayat or an Executive Committee of a Village;
x. A Member of Parliament, of State legislatures or of legislatures of Union Territory Governments/Administrations;
xi. Treasury Officer.
It is further stated that in the case of a pensioner drawing his pension through a Public Sector Bank the life certificate may be signed by an officer of a Public Sector Bank. In the case of a pensioner residing abroad and drawing his pension through any other bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act. 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of the Bank. A pensioner not resident in India in respect of whom his duty authorised agent produces a life certificate signed by a Magistrate, a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from special appearance.
It is requested that all banks may give the above wide publicity and circulate to all the branches for strict compliance and for information to pensioners.
(To be submitted by Pensioner once a year in November)
Certified that I have seen________________________________________________________________________ the pensioner
Shri./Smt./Ms.____________________________________________________________________ (Name of Pensioner) holder of
Pension Payment Order No. ____________________________________________________ and that he/she is alive on this date.
Name : ___________________________
Place : ___________________________
Designation of Authorised Officer
Chief Controller (Pensions)