Monday, February 14, 2011

Newly Elected Office Bearers of SATB

The newly elected Office Bearers of South Andaman Teachers' Branch :

Vice President : Shri H L Prasad
Secretary : Shri Venkat Rama Rao

Joint Secretaries :
Shri P Jay Murthy
Shri R.Shashi Kumar

Organizing Secretaries:
Shri G P Mondal
Shri Kuldeep Singh
Shri R D Yadav
Shri Sashikumar
Shri Ashok Sharma
Smti Nasreen Begum

Treasurer : Shri R Surendran Pillai

Office Secretary : Shri S L Vinjit

1 comment:

  1. Dear comarades
    congrats for electing office bearers of SATB and at the same time we have to solve various issues in connection with the teachers.Expecatation are very high and we have to work hard.......
    all the best

