The Director of Education,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands ,
Port Blair.
Sub: Relieving of teachers
from 2nd July, 2012 - regarding.
I draw your kind
attention to the orders issued by the Directorate of Education during the last
few days transferring teachers from one place to other. In these orders, the
date of stand relieving of teachers is mentioned as 25th June,
After the introduction
of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the date of increment for all the
government employees under the Govt. of India
has been fixed as 1st July of every year. As per the rules, if a government servant is on leave or is
availing joining time on the 1st of July, the increased pay will be drawn only from the
date on which he resumes duty and not
from the 1st of July. A
copy of the extract of the relevant rule is enclosed herewith for
kind perusal. The financial benefits on
the annual increment will be available only on the date of joining duty by the
government employee after availing leave, joining time, etc.
If the teachers
working at outstations are relieved of their duties on 25th June
they can join duty at Port Blair and vice versa only on 6th July, 2012 after
availing the permissible Joining Time.
For five days, they will be
denied of the financial benefits of annual increment for no fault of theirs. This problem can be avoided if the teachers
are relieved of their duties from the afternoon of 2nd July instead of 25th
June, 2012.
Under the
circumstances, I would request you kindly to issue immediate instructions to all the Heads of Offices concerned to
relieve the teachers
on 2nd July, 2012 afternoon instead of 25th June, 2012 so that the transferred teachers will not be
at loss of their financial benefits on
the annual increment.
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Copy to the Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Edn), A & N
Administration for kind intervention in the matter.
sir, can you plz tell what is the max.age limit for applying for teachers post