A State Organisation, formed in 1954, comprising and encompassing and having jurisdiction over all Non-Gazetted Government Employees belonging to A & N Islands Admn. who enroll themselves as members irrespective of their category and place of posting. Headquarter: Crusade House, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair - 744102
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Air Travel on LTC/FSP - clarification
Friday, February 26, 2010
Union Budget 2010
Annual General Body Meeting of Kadamtala Branch
The Annual General Body meeting of the Kadamtala Branch of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, was held on 21st February, 2010 at Kadamtala. Shri Masilamani, Assistant Engineer, APWD, Kadamtala was the Chief Guest in the Inaugural Session. Addressing the employees he stressed the need of collective bargaining rather than individual fight to achieve various demands of government employees and appreciated the activities of the Association. Shri SC Biswas, President and Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary also addressed the meeting. Shri Tapan Sen, Secretary, Kadamtala Branch, presented the working report and audited accounts since last general body meeting. Resolutions on various issues/demands concerning the government employees posted at Kadamtala were discussed and adopted in the meeting. A large number of employees attended the meeting.
Upgraded Grade Pay for the post of Lower Grade Clerks/Higher Grade Clerks
The Secretary to the Govt. of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training,
North Block,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Upgraded Grade Pay for the post of Lower Grade
Clerks/Higher Grade Clerks - regarding.
This Association has been representing to the Govt. of India and the A & N Administration for the last several years to enhance the scales of pay of Lower Grade Clerks and Higher Grade Clerks working under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration. The educational qualification for recruitment to the post of Lower Grade Clerk was raised to Class XII with computer education and typewriting essential, through an amendment in the Recruitment Rules during the year 1994. In the Central Secretariat and subordinate offices and also in the States and other UTs, the entry level qualification for the post of LGC still remains to be Class X.
Similarly, the duties and responsibilities of the Lower Grade Clerks and Higher Grade Clerks are higher than those of their counterparts in the Central Secretariat Services of the Govt. of India and subordinate offices. Manual of Office Procedure of the central government and that of the A & N Administration clearly reveal that HGCs and LGCs working under the A & N Administration are performing higher nature of duties. Being Dealing Assistants, LGCs and HGCs in the Andaman and Nicobar Administration are required to deal with complicated cases of various kinds and, thus, shoulder responsible work.
Even though the matter was placed before the successive Central Pay Commissions and central government in the past, the scales of pay of LGCs and HGCs were not enhanced. The Sixth Central Pay Commission during its visit to these islands had assured this Association to consider the above demand favourably but nothing positive was recommended despite such an assurance.
To add insult to injury, on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Group D staffs have been brought at par with the Lower Grade Clerks. When the Group D staff have been brought to Group C category, the existing employees in the lowest category of Group C should have been upgraded atleast to the next scale of pay/Grade Pay in order to remove the heart-burning among the latter.
Under the circumstances, this Association would request you kindly to examine this matter objectively and issue necessary orders upgrading the scales of pay/Grade Pay of Lower Grade Clerks and Higher Grade Clerks working under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration, treating it as a special case.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Copy to:
1. The Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi – 110 001, for kind information and favourable action.
2. The Joint Secretary(UT), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi – 110 001, for information and necessary action please.
3. Comrade KKN Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, A/2, 95, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi – 110 027 for necessary action.
4. The Chief Secretary, A & N Administration with the request to take up the matter with Govt. of India.
General Secretary
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Visit of Com. K Ragavendran, Working President of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers
No.3-12/CC/2010 17.02.2010.
News Item
The Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association organized a meeting of government employees and workers at Port Blair today (17.02.2010) evening. Addressing the meeting, Shri K. Ragavendran, Working President of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi, who is currently on a visit to these islands, said that the 6th Central Pay Commission and the Govt. of India had rejected the demand for need-based wages of Rs. 10,000/- as the minimum wages for central government employees. Referring to the practice prevailing in central public sector undertakings, where wage revision is carried out in every five years, Shri Ragavendran demanded that Central Pay Commissions should be set up after every 5 years instead of the present ten years. He said that the pay hike now received by central government employees cannot match the ever-increasing prices. He criticized the central government for not settling various issues which arose after the introduction of 6th CPC and which were taken up by the Staff Side. He dealt with a number of demands/issues of central government employees. He called upon the government employees and workers to participate in the agitational programmes being conducted by the employees’ organizations all over the country. Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association also addressed the meeting which was presided over by Shri SC Biswas, President of the Association. A large number of government employees and workers working under the A & N Administration and central government departments attended the meeting.
Press Statement
3-12/CC/2010 02.02.2010
Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary, Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association today (2.2.2010) met the Secretary (Perl), A & N Administration and discussed with him various issues pertaining to the clerical cadre staff. The Secretary (Perl) assured him that the process of financial upgradation under ACP/MACP for Lower Grade Clerks and Higher Grade Clerks will be completed very soon. General Secretary also demanded immediate decision on the Association’s demand for restructuring of the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre in order to remove stagnation among the clerical cadre staff. The Secretary (Perl) promised early action on the matter.
Restructuring of Forest Department Clerical Cadre
3-3/CC/2010 29.01.2010
The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,
Andaman and
Port Blair.
Sub: Restructuring of Forest Department Clerical Cadre –
I draw your kind attention towards this Association’s demand, submitted to you earlier, for restructuring of Forest Department Clerical Cadre. It has been noticed that no cadre review in respect of clerical staff has been undertaken by the Forest Department for the last several years despite the fact that there is all-round stagnation among the clerical cadre staff and the work load in the department has increased due to various factors. Higher Grade Clerks, Head Clerks and Office Superintendents are stagnating for a considerable period during the last more than one decade. Ban on creation of posts imposed by the central government during 1999 has further aggravated the situation.
It has further been noticed that while the cadre review and restructuring of Forest Officers are carried out from time to time, the lower level staff working in the offices are destined to stagnate. There is no denying the fact that the workload in the department has increased manifold over the years, but the number of clerical cadre staff is not increased and they are over-burdened with various types of works. The cadre review/restructuring has not been carried out for the lower level staff despite a recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission to that effect.
We have noticed that resentment is growing among the Clerical Cadre staff working under the Forest Department due to the sheer neglect of their genuine grievances by the higher echelons of the Forest Department.
I would, therefore, request your goodself kindly to examine this issue and take immediate necessary steps for the cadre review/re-structuring of the Forest Department Clerical Cadre so that the stagnation among the clerical staff can be minimized to a great extent.
Action taken in the matter may please be intimated to this Association.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Delay in financial upgradation under Tourism Dept.& IP division
3-3/CC/2010 20.01.2010
The Director (IP&T),
Andaman and
Port Blair.
It has been reported to this Association that financial upgradation under the earlier ACP Scheme and MACP are due for a large number of employees working under the Tourism Department and IP Division. Personal requests made by the employees concerned to the authorities in the department have not yielded any fruitful result so far. This has created resentment among the employees.
I would, therefore, request you kindly to look into this matter personally and take immediate steps to clear all the ACP/MACP cases so that the employees concerned may get their due and rightful financial benefits.
Action taken in the matter may please be intimated to this Association.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Illogical insistence on vigilance certification
3-3/CC/2010 19.01.2010
The Chief Secretary,
Andaman and Nicobar Administration,
Port Blair.
Sub: Illogical insistence on vigilance certification by
Heads of Departments and Administrative
Sections for Clerical Cadre Staff - regarding.
It has been noticed that the process of promotion and award of ACP to Amalgamated Clerical Cadre Staff are unduly delayed for the last few months thereby denying the benefit of promotion and financial upgradation in time to the employees concerned. One of the reasons, it is learnt, for the delay is the newly introduced system of vigilance clearance certification by Heads of Departments and administrative sections in the Secretariat.
Under the new system, vigilance clearance of the clerical cadre staff working in any of the subordinate departments has to be certified by the concerned Head of Office, Heads of Department and administrative section of the department. Due to poor communication facilities and scattered nature of the territory, collection of information from various offices in the outstations, particularly from southern group of islands, and seeking further clarifications, etc take long time thereby delaying the entire process.
It has further been noticed that such a system is superfluous considering the fact that both the Personnel Department and Vigilance Department are certifying the suitability of the employees for promotion/award of ACP. Introducing 2 - 3 more channels for vigilance clearance has proved to be redundant and unnecessary and serves no fruitful purpose and hence illogical.
This situation can be averted if the newly introduced system of vigilance certification by Heads of Departments and administrative branch in the Secretariat is dispensed with. Resentment among the clerical cadre staff, particularly among the Lower Grade Clerks who are waiting for their first financial upgradation in service, is growing.
I would, therefore, request your goodself kindly to look into this issue personally and dispense with the superfluous system of vigilance certification by Heads of Departments and administrative secretaries so as to speed up the process of award of financial upgradation under ACP/MACP and also to remove undue delay in promotion to various posts under the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Annual General Body Meeting 2010