A State Organisation, formed in 1954, comprising and encompassing and having jurisdiction over all Non-Gazetted Government Employees belonging to A & N Islands Admn. who enroll themselves as members irrespective of their category and place of posting. Headquarter: Crusade House, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair - 744102
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Shri. Basudeb Acharia on Teachers' Issue
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
News Item
The Annual General Body Meeting of Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Rangat Branch was held on 19th December 2010 at the Zilla Parishad Auditorium, Rangat. Shri P.C.Tikait, Principal,
Shri Sadan Chandra Das, Branch Secretary presented the working report of the branch while Shri Assaithambi presented the audited accounts. Earlier, Shri Santosh Kumar Roy welcomed the Chief Guest, leaders and others present on the occasion.
The Meeting elected Shri Solai Raj as Vice President and Shri Deepak Karmakar as Secretary besides other Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members of the Branch Committee. The meeting discussed various issues and demands concerning Govt. Employees in general and those posted in Middle Andaman in particular and resolutions adopted on it. Shri Biswanath Mondal, Joint Secretary, Rangat Branch proposed vote of thanks.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
NGOs’ Association
Cell: 9434260430
General Body Meeting of Staff Car Drivers
News Item
The General Body meeting of the Staff Car Drivers Sub-Committee of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association was held on 19th December, 2010 at Port Blair. The meeting was addressed by Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary and Shri P. Sathyapal, Assistant General Secretary of the Association and Shri B. Chandrachoodan, General Secretary, CITU, A & N State Committee. Various issues concerning the Staff Car Drivers were discussed in the meeting and resolutions adopted. Earlier, Shri M.S. Basheer, Secretary, Staff Car Drivers Sub-Committee presented the report. The meeting elected Shri Harbhajan Singh as Vice President and Shri M.S. Basheer as Secretary besides other office bearers and Executive Committee Members.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
NGOs’ Association
Agitation by employees of Rural Development Department postponed
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Procession to protest the rise in prise of Petrol
3-12/CC/2010 Dated16.12.2010
News Item
The Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association and Centre of Indian Trade Unions jointly organized a procession at 6 p.m. today (16.12.2010) at Port Blair to protest against the hike in the prices of Petrol. The procession which began from
General Secretary
Exorbitant Air Fare by Airlines
3-3/CC/2010 Dated 02.12.2010
The Director General of Civil Aviation,
Government of
I am forwarding herewith a copy of the resolution adopted in the Central Executive Committee meeting of this Association held on 27th November, 2010 at Port Blair on the unreasonably exorbitant fare charged by Airlines operating between Port Blair and mainland sectors.
I would request you kindly to take necessary action on the contents of the resolution.
Action taken in the matter may please be intimated to this Association.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As above.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Copy to:
1. The Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Air India Ltd., Air - India Building, Nariman Point,
Mumbai - 400 021, India.
2. Com. Basudeb Acharya, MP, 21,
General Secretary
Copy of the resolution adopted in the Central Executive Committee meeting of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and
Exorbitant Air Fares between Port Blair and Mainland
The Central Executive Committee meeting of the Non-Gazetted Government Officers Association notes with grave concern that the private airlines operating between the Port Blair and mainland sectors are charging air fares in an exorbitant manner, causing concern among the islanders. The meeting noted that sometimes these Airlines are charging Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 for a ticket in the Port Blair - mainland sectors. People who are required to proceed to mainland for medical treatment and other urgent nature of work are being squeezed by these private airlines. The meeting noted that unlike Air India Ltd., these private airlines do not have any fixed fare for the mainland-Port Blair sectors because of which the Airlines charge high fare at their will and wish taking advantage of the urgency of the people. The meeting noted that even the maximum fare fixed by the Air India Ltd for the Port Blair – Chennai/Kolkata sectors are high as compared to the fares in other sectors.
The meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Association urges upon the authorities concerned to prevail upon the private airlines operating in the Port Blair – mainland sectors to fix/indicate their maximum fare and also to reduce the exorbitant fares now being charged by them and to stop the exploitation of the islanders by these airlines. The meeting also resolved to urge upon the authorities to direct the Air India Ltd to reduce their fares in the Port Blair- Kolkata/Chennai sectors and to make available more low fare tickets considering the remoteness of these islands.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Injustice Meted Out with LGCs and HGCs
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Circular published on Confederation Website
Principal, TGCE to hand over the Service Records
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Non-Payment of Salary to Teachers Settled
Monday, December 6, 2010
Disparity in Grade Pay of Left Out categories of Teachers in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
3-3/CC/2010 30.11.2010
The Hon’ble Lt. Governor,
Andaman and
Port Blair.
Sub: Grant of upgraded Grade Pay to left-out
categories of teachers - regarding.
I am to refer to the memorandum submitted to Your Excellency on 5th September, 2010 by the South Andaman Teachers’ Branch of this Association which contained among other things the demand for grant of upgraded Grade Pay under Part B of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 to the left-out categories of teaching and non-teaching staff working under the Education Department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Ever since the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, this Association has been approaching the A & N Administration to grant the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B to all the teaching and non-teaching staff like Headmaster (Middle), Headmaster (Primary), Physical Education Teacher, PSRT, Librarian, Music Teacher, Craft Instructor, etc.
It is submitted that the above-categories of teachers working in the union
Since the teachers working in Puducherry,
I would, therefore, request Your Excellency to look into this matter personally and take appropriate steps to extend the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 to all the left-out categories of teachers working under the Education Department of Andaman and Nicobar Administration and, thus, render justice to them.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
NGOs' Association Sidetracked by Examining Committee
3-3/CC/2010 14.09.2010
The Secretary (Perl),
Andaman and Nicobar Administration,
Port Blair.
This Association has been requesting the Administration over the years to undertake a cadre restructuring of the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre as recommended by the Fifth Central Pay Commission considering the fact that all-round stagnation exists among the clerical cadre staff. A series of meetings were held with the former Secretary (Perl) by this Association on this issue.
However, it has been noticed that the Committee constituted to examine the proposal for restructuring has held discussions with one other Association, keeping this Association at bay. Though this Association has been pursuing the matter for quite a long time with the Administration, it is regretted to say that we have been sidetracked by the officials concerned thereby denying us an opportunity to present our views on the matter. This has created resentment among the clerical cadre staff.
This is for your kind information and necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pending Cases of ACP and MACP to Clerical Cadre Staff
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Central Executive Meeting
3-12/CC/2010 27.11.2010
News Item
A meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association was held at Port Blair today. The meeting discussed on various issues of Govt. Employees working under A & N Admn. In a resolution adopted in the meeting the Association expressed concern over the uncontrolled hike in the prices of essential commodities in the
Shri. D. Ayyappan, General Secretary spoke in the meeting, Shri. Sadanand Rai presided over the meeting.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
NGOs’ Association
Friday, November 26, 2010
Instructions and Guidelines on Seniority
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated the 11th November 2010
Subject: SENIORITY - Consolidated orders on...
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions have been issued by this Department from time to time laying down the principles for determining seniority of persons appointed to services and posts under the Central Government. For facility of reference, the contents of the important orders on the subject have been consolidated as a compilation "Instructions and Guidelines on Seniority". The number and date of the original O.M.'s has been referred in the relevant instructions* for easy reference to the context. The consolidated instructions include revised instructions on the following:
i. Seniority of persons appointed on direct recruitment from the reserved panel at a later date, specifically when the officers from the subsequent selection panel have already joined.
ii. Inter-se seniority of two panels of direct recruits, where more than one selection panel are received from UPSC/SSC through letter of same date.
iii. Fixation of seniority of a person who has been transferred to a lower post under FR 15-A.
iv. Seniority in case of appointment on compassionate grounds
2. Also, certain areas within the existing instructions, which require frequent clarifications, as is evident from the references received from variousMinistries/Departments, have also been incorporated under the head "clarification", for reference. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information, guidance and necessary action.
3. The consolidated instructions along with Annexure containing O.M.'sreferred wlll be issued separately in the form of handbook.
4. Hindi version will follow.
(Smita Kumar)
DoP&T's website
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
NGOs' Association Welcomes the Decision for Clerical Cadre Restructuring
3-12/CC/2010 Dated 23.11.2010
News Item
The Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association, Andaman and
According to the office order bearing No. 4174 dated 23rd November, 2010 issued by the Administration, 344 additional posts of Higher Grade Clerks, Head Clerks, Office Superintendents and Deputy Secretary have been made available in addition to the existing numbers in the above categories while the number of posts of Lower Grade Clerks have been reduced by 344. The posts in various departments of the Administration have been re-distributed accordingly.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
NGOs’ Association
Cell: 9434260430
Clerical Cadre Restructuring - Order Reproduced
Sl.No. | Grade | Pay Scale | No. of Posts |
1. | Lower Grade Clerk | PB-1 Rs. 5200 – 20200 G.P. Rs. 1900 | 929 |
2. | Higher Grade Clerk | PB-1 Rs. 5200 – 20200 G.P. Rs. 2400 | 685 |
3. | Head Clerk /Assistant /AIC | PB-2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 G.P. Rs. 4200 | 320 |
4. | Office Superintendent | PB-2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 G.P. Rs. 4200 | 103 |
5. | Assistant Secretary / Assistant Director (Admn) | PB-2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 G.P. Rs. 4600 | 38 |
6. | Deputy Secretary | PB-2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 G.P. Rs. 5400 | 5 |