On 26th May, The day Modi Government at the
Centre completed one year in office, Workers National Assembly at the Mavlankar
Auditorium in the National Capital, New Delhi, in one voice condemned BJP-led
NDA Government’s anti worker, anti-peasants, anti-people and pro-corporate,
pro-MNC one year’s rule and declared country wide united protests and
resistance through General Strike on 2nd September 2015 against
these policies and to pursue 12 points charter of demands.
The unanimous declaration of the National Convention,
organized by All the eleven Central Trade Unions and National Federations of
Employees of all sectors and services condemned the Modi Government for
bringing sweeping changes in the Land Acquisition Act permitting forcible
acquisition of land from the farmers and drastically curbing farmer’s right to
land and agricultural worker’s right to livelihood, bringing sweeping changes
in the labour laws in favour of the employers, attack on the existing social
securities like EPF, ESI benefits, cutting budgetary allocations to scheme
which benefit the poor like MNREGA, dismantling of the Public Distribution
System, disinvesting profit making public sector undertakings, Not implementing
tripartite decisions of the successive Indian Labour Conferences (ILCs), Ignoring
the 10 point demands submitted earlier by the Central Trade Union pending since
UPA Government etc.
The Central Government Employees are the worst sufferers
due to the policy offensives of the Government. No DA Merger, No Interim
Relief, No retrospective date of effect to 7th CPC from 01.01.2014
as demanded by JCM Staff Side, refusal to include Gramin Dak Sewaks under 7th
CPC, denial of revision of wages and regularization of casual labourers, non
implementation of Cadre Restructuring agreement signed by Postal department and
Postal federations, 5% condition on Compassionate appointment, non revision of
bonus ceiling, non implementation of arbitration awards, non convening of JCM
National Council are the one year balance sheet of the Modi Government in the
Central Government employees sector. Over and above this, policy offensives
like Task Force Committee Report on Postal Corporatisation, Bibek Debroy
Committee Report on Railway privatisation, corporatisation of the 41 Ordinance
factories in the defence sector, move to close down printing, stationery and
publication department and Medical store depots, non filling up of vacancies,
downsizing, outsourcing, contractrisation, privatisation, are also being
implemented in an aggressive manner.
The atrocious attack on the working people of the country
including Central Government employees should be combated resolutely. The anti
worker character of the neo liberal policies and the capitalist class interest
behind these policies must be thoroughly exposed. It is to resist and repulse
these attacks on the working class that the united trade union movement gave a
call for a country wide general strike on 2nd September 2015.
From 1991 onwards, when the Congress government started
implementing these policies, Confederation of Central Government Employees
& Workers has been opposing it and had joined the main stream of the
working class in resisting the onslaught of imperialist globalization policies.
Confederation National Executive had decided to join the one day strike on 2nd
September 2015.
This strike must act as a strong warning to the BJP-led
Government that the working class of the country, which has a great history of
struggles and sacrifices, is not going to let these attacks pass. We call upon
the entire Central Government employees to join the strike en-masse and make it
a grand success.
source: Confederation of Central govt. employees & worker, New Delhi
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