The Chief Secretary,
Andaman and Nicobar Administration,
Port Blair.
Sub: Unjustified and illogical provision in the Recruitment
Rules for the post of Asst. Secretary/Asst Direcrtor
(Admn) - regarding.
I am to invite your kind attention towards the Memo bearing No. 48-18/2011-PW dated
We are surprised to go through the said Memo issued by the Personnel Department. Firstly, the RR for the posts of Assistant Secretary/ Asst. Director (Admn) has not been published in the newspapers in the islands. While this Association is not against imparting training to any categories of employees and even making mandatory provision for promotion to next grade, this should be done only after imparting training to all such employees. In the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre, only a small percentage of employees are imparted inservice training by the Administration. Before completing such an exercise, making mandatory provision in the Recruitment Rules for promotion will lead to denial of promotion to those employees who have not been trained.
This Association had in the past emphasised the need to conduct continuous trainings to all the employees belonging to the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre so that they can improve their efficiency. Except conducting a few trainings, no step has been taken by the Administration to impart training to all the employees in the Cadre. Even our request to provide some kind of training to the newly selected Lower Grade Clerks before issuing their appointment orders during the last recruitment was not considered by the Administration.
Such being the position, making training mandatory for promotion to the post of Assistant Secretary/Asst. Director (Admn) is unjustified and illogical and the decision is required to be reviewed.
I would, therefore, request you not to insist for training mandatory for promotion to the posts of Assistant Secretary/ Assistant Director (Admn) till such time all the employees belonging to the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre are imparted training by the Administration.
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Copy to:
1. The Secretary (Perl), A & N Administration, Port Blair.
2. The Secretary, Clerical Cadre Branch, Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Port Blair.
3. The Secretary, Secretariat Sub-Committee, Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Port Blair.
General Secretary
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