A meeting of the employees working in the Department of
Health Services, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
was held at Port Blair today (5th November,
2016) in which it was unanimously decided to revive the Health Department Sub-Committee of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’
Association. The meeting discussed
various issues pertaining to the employees of Health Department especially
ANMs, LHVs and MHWs, etc. which
include (1) filling up of vacant posts (2) amendment of
Recruitment Rules of ANMs (3) Delay in providing timely promotion (4)
providing residential accommodation
near the Sub- Centres for the staff, etc.
The meeting elected Smt Maimuna Begum, Smt Reba Rani Sarkar and Smt
Maimuna Bibi as Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
respectively of the Health
Department Sub-Committee of the Association.
Addressing the
meeting, Shri P. Sathyapal, President of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’
Association exhorted the employees to bring
larger unity among the employees to
achieve their demands. Speaking on the occasion, Shri TS Sreekumar,
General Secretary informed the gathering
about the ongoing struggles of central
government employees at the
National as well as local
level to achieve
various demands related to
7th Central Pay Commission like increase in the minimum pay,
fitment formula, Allowances, etc. and
other long pending issues. Shri R. Rajendran,
Asst. General Secretary also spoke. A
large number of employees of the Health Department posted at Port Blair and
South Andaman area attended the meeting.