Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mass Demonstration in front of VAN SADAN, Haddo

The Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers' Association held a Mass Demonstration in front of the PCCF Office (Van Sadan), Haddo, Port Blair demanding immediate restructuring of the Forest Clerical Cadre staff. The demonstration was attended by a large number of employees including lady staff. Shri S.Surender, Vice President & Shri D.Ayyappan, General Secretary spoke on the occasion.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Health Insurance Scheme (CGEPHIS) for Central Government employees and pensioners…

This information was given by Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha on 30.03.2012.

The serving Central Government employees staying in non CGHS area are provided healthcare facilities under Central Services Medical Attendance [CS (MA) Rules, 1944]. Pensioners are not covered under these Rules. They are, however, entitled for the Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs 300/- per month. The pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas have the option to become a CGHS member in any CGHS covered city to avail the medical facilities under the scheme.

The Government is contemplating introduction of a Health Insurance Scheme for the Central Government employees and pensioners with special focus on non-CGHS areas.

Under CS(MA) Rules, the serving Central Government employees get treatment from Authorised Medical Attendants appointed by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department / office. They get reimbursement of their medical expenses from their respective administrative offices as per rule. The information in respect of medical expenses reimbursed to Central Government employees all over the country is not maintained in this Ministry.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

E-Payment from 1st April, 2012

F. No.1(1)/2011/TA/292
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts

Dated 31st March, 2012

Office Memorandum

Sub:- Payment to Government servants other than salary etc. through e- Payment from 1st April 2012

The Central Government Account (Receipts and Payments) Rules,1983 have been amended, inter alia, to provide for issue of Payment advices to the bank for direct credit by electronic transfer to the specified bank account of the payee. As per the amendments, the Government servants are, permitted to receive their salary by direct credit to their bank accounts through payment advices, at their option Further, the amendment also provides that all payments to government servants other than salaries exceeding the limits as specified from time to time, shall be through payment advices.

2. In accordance to the above, with effect from 1st April 2012, all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are directed to make all payments to government servants, other than salary, above Rs.25,000. by issue of payment advices, including electronically signed payment advices.

3. Further in accordance to the amended rules, with effect from 1st April 2012, all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are directed to make all payments towards settlement of retirement /terminal benefits such as gratuity, commuted value of pension, encashment of leave salary,CGEGIS, withdrawals from General Provident Fund, etc. by issue of payment advices, including electronically signed payment advices.

4. All Ministries! Departments and Heads of Accounting Organisations are requested to ensure the compliance of above instructions by Pay & Accounts Offices/ Accounts offices and other payment units under their control.

5. Separate orders have been issued in respect of payments to private parties such as Suppliers, contractors, grantee, loanee institutions etc,.

(Soma Roy Burman)
Joint Controller General of Accounts


Introduction of Bio-metric attenance system in offices


          The Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association has requested the Andaman and Nicobar Administration to keep in abeyance its decision to introduce bio-metric attendance system in the offices of the Administration till such a time the matter is discussed with the Service Associations.   In a  resolution adopted in the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Association held on 7th April, 2012 at Port Blair, the Association noted with grave concern that the Andaman and Nicobar Administration has decided to introduce biometric attendance system in the offices under the Administration.

Forwarding a copy of the Resolution to the Chief Secretary, Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary of the Association requested him to examine the points raised in the resolution on this subject and to take appropriate action.

 The meeting noted that according to the circulars dated 28th March, 2012 and 2nd April, 2012 issued by the Assistant Secretary (GA) for the employees of the Secretariat establishment, in addition to the biometric attendance system, the manual attendance register will also be concurrently maintained.    

          The Association meeting noted that the detailed procedure for maintaining the attendance of staff in the offices/work places is laid down in the Office Procedure Manual published by the Govt. of India and A & N Administration.  In the said guidelines, nothing has been mentioned about the bio-metric attendance system.  The meeting noted that it is inappropriate and unlawful on the part of the Administration to disregard the rules/ guidelines framed and issued by the Govt of India in this regard.    

          The meeting observed that the reason for introducing the biometric attendance system was to maintain punctuality in the offices. However, the Association is of the opinion that punctuality and efficiency in the offices cannot be improved by introducing biometric attendance and the meeting further observed that the efficiency and punctuality can be ensured only when it is improved from top to bottom.           
      The meeting of the Association observed that the intention of the Administration is to introduce bio-metric attendance system in all the offices, schools and workplaces throughout the islands for which hundreds of machines will be purchased, spending millions of rupees.  The Association observed that this is a wasteful expenditure and should be avoided so that the amount can be utilized for providing various benefits to weaker sections of the society.  This is more important as the country is passing through a financial crisis.    

The meeting further noted that the above system has been introduced in a hasty manner, without consulting the Service Associations.  The meeting noted that the new system has caused unnecessary harassment and wastage of time to the employees particularly women employees who will have to queue up before the bio-metric machine for the thumbing during morning hours and in the evening.