3-3/CC/2010 06.08.2010
The Principal Secretary (Education),
Andaman and Nicobar Administration,
Port Blair.
A delegation of this Association would like to meet your goodself to discuss the following issues concerning the teachers working under the Education Department:
1. Anomaly in the Grade Pay of Heamdasters & left out categories of teaching staff: The matter has been pending with the GoI for a considerable time. The National Anomaly Committee in its 2nd meeting has dropped these items from its Agenda as the representatives of MHA agreed that the matter will the finalized in the UT level Anomaly Committee and proposal will be sent to MHA and then to Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, this has to be done at UT level immediately.
2. ISDA during summer vacation: The matter has been sent to GoI. This has to be speeded up.
3. Implementation of GoI’s order on Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 to all those who were in the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10000: In all other departments this order has been implemented while in the Education Department in many of the schools it is not being implemented and insist for further direction from the Directorate of Education even though it is not required.
4. Consultation with Association while amending Recruitment Rules: In the past, RRs for various posts in the Education Department were amended with vested interests of those of who are entrusted with the work. Provisions in the RRs of certain posts which are retrograde are required to be amended to render justice to affected teachers. We have been demanding this for the last several years.
5. Regularisation of adhoc service from initial appointments: Cases of more than 200 teachers are pending with the Directorate of Education. Among them, there are some teachers who went to Court and got favourable orders. Others did not approach the Court hoping that the department will do justice to them.
6. Pending ACP/MACP cases: Though the Education Department has done appreciable work to award ACP/MACP to some of the teachers, hundreds of others are waiting to get the upgraded Pay/Grade Pay.
I would, therefore, request your goodself kindly to intimate us a date and time suitable to you for the meeting.
This may be treated as MOST URGENT.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
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