Monday, August 30, 2010

RAJ NIVAS MARCH by SATB, NGOs' Association

at 4 p.m. on 05th September 2010 (Sunday)
commencing from the
Directorate of Education to Raj Nivas, Port Blair


To remove anomaly in the Grade Pay of Head Master (Middle) & Head Master (Primary) and other left-out categories of teachers viz., Librarians, PETs, PSRTs, Music Teachers, Craft Instructors etc.,

Other Demands:
1. Grant of ISDA to teachers during summer vacation.
2. Regularisation of adhoc service of teachers from initial appointments.
3. Allotment of sufficient funds for settling of pending Transfer TA bills.
4. Grant of financial upgradation to left out teachers under earlier ACP scheme.
5. Timely grant of financial upgradation under modified ACP scheme.
6. Award of ACp/MACP to GTTs without B.Ed. and PSTs without JBT.
7. Amendment of Recruitment Rules to ensure single line promotion to all categories of teachers.
8. Timely confirmation of service.
9. Arrange B.Ed. training for qualified teachers etc.,

All are requested to participate in the RAJ NIVAS MARCH

HL Prasad Venkat Rama Rao
Vice President Secretary

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Filling up of Vacant Posts

3-3/CC/2010 17.08.2010


The Director of Rural Development & Panchayats,

Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Port Blair.

Sub: Filling up of vacant posts - regarding.



During the meeting this Association had with you on 30th June, 2010 we had brought to your kind notice that a number of posts like Extension Officers in the Department of Rural Development are lying vacant for quite a long time. We were informed during the meeting that one of the reasons for the abnormal delay in filling up the posts through promotion as well as direct recruitment is the non-finalisation of Recruitment Rules.

During the meeting, we were informed that the review of RRs for the posts of Extension Officers is under process and the same will be completed immediately. However, it has been noticed that the RRs have not been finalized and published so far, because of which the promotion of eligible departmental candidates are held up by the department.

I would, therefore, request you kindly to look into this matter and take immediate steps to review the RRs for the posts of Extension Officers so that all the vacant posts could be filled up both by promotion as well as by direct recruitment.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Issue of Drivers /Staff Car Drivers in Secretariat and Raj Nivas

3-3/CC/2010 12.08.2010


The Chief Secretary,
Andaman and Nicobar Administration,
Port Blair.


I am to invite your kind attention towards the system of deployment of Light Vehicle Drivers/Staff Car Drivers in the Secretariat establishment and Raj Nivas. It has been noticed that about 15 Heavy Vehicle Drivers of the State Transport Services are deployed to drive light vehicles in the Secretariat and Raj Nivas while about 45 Light Vehicle Drivers/Staff Car Drivers are idling in various departments under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration. With the ban on the purchase of new vehicles and the authorities preferring to hire vehicles from private agencies as per government’s policies, there is chance of more Staff Car Drivers becoming inoperative in their respective departments.

With the diversion of Heavy Vehicle Drivers from STS to Secretariat and Raj Nivas, there occurred a shortage of Heavy Vehicle Drivers in the STS which reportedly hampered STS bus services. To make up the shortfall, Transport Department resort to appointment of drivers on contract/daily rated basis. These contract/ DRM drivers, who are not liable for any accident, loss/damage to government property, often causes accidents due to lack of experience to drive heavy vehicles.

This Association is of the opinion that the services of Light Vehicle Drivers/Staff Car Drivers of subordinate departments, wherever such drivers are found inoperative, should be utilized in the Secretairat and Raj Nivas and the Heavy Vehicle Drivers of Transport Department be better utilized for driving the STS buses effectively. This will be in the public interest as well as in the interests of Staff Car Drivers working under the Administration.

I would, therefore, request you kindly to look into this issue and direct the authorities concerned to utilize properly the services of Staff Car Driver who are idling in various subordinate departments and also to dis-engage the Heavy Vehicle Drivers from the Light Vehicle Duty in the Secretariat and Raj Nivas in order to ensure optiumum utilization of the services of government employees.
Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)
General Secretary
Cell: 9434260430
Copy to:
1. The Secretary (GA), A & N Administration, for necessary action pl.
2. The Secretary, Secretariat Sub-Committee of Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Port Blair.

General Secretary

Inclusion of the post of Personal Assistant in the list of feeder grade to Grade-II DANICS

3-3/CC/2010 11.08.2010


The Chief Secretary,

A & N Administration,

Port Blair.

Subject: Inclusion of the post of Personal Assistant in the

list of feeder grade to Grade-II DANICS-reg.



With reference to the subject cited above, I would like to bring to your kind notice the following points for your kind information and sympathetic consideration please:-

As per Schedule-II of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Civil Service) Rules, 2003, the following posts/ grades/ services, amongst others, are eligible for induction into Entry Grade :-

(a) Posts under the Govt. of NCT of Delhi

(i) Senior Stenographer (Grade-I)

(ii) Personal Assistant to Deputy Commissioner of Delhi

(b) Posts under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration

(i) Superintendent

(ii) Block Development Officer

(iii) Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies

(c) Posts under the Lakshadweep Administration

(i) Block Development Officer

(ii) Junior Employment Officer

(d) Posts under the Daman and Diu Administration

(i) Superintendent (Grade-B)

(ii) Mamlatdar

(iii) Block Development Officer

(iv) Enquiry Officer, City Survey

(v) Assistant Sales Tax Officer

(e) Posts under the Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration

(i) Superintendent

(ii) Land Reforms Officer

(iii) Mamlatdar

All the above posts are identical posts to the post of Personal Assistant of Andaman and Nicobar Administration and are in the same Pay Band i.e., Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) + Rs.4200 – Grade Pay.

The promotional avenue for the post of Personal Assistant is very less as there are 85 posts of Personal Assistants and only 7 (seven) posts of Private Secretary, the promotional post of PA, in the Administration as on date. Most of the Stenographic Cadre employees will be retiring on superannuation as PAs due to lack of promotional avenue for them.

Most of the PAs have put in more than 25 years of service and assisting senior officers of the Administration. Due to the nature of their duties, they have got rich administrative knowledge and experience.

Keeping in view the above background, I would request your goodself to send a proposal to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. if India, who is the cadre controlling authority of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli Services (DANICS) to include the post of Personal Assistant of Andaman and Nicobar Administration in Schedule-II of the said Services to do justice with the Personal Assistants.

We have learnt that A&N Administration has recently sent a proposal to include the post of Public Relations Officer of IP&T Deptt. In Schedule –II of the said Services, which is also an identical post to the post of Personal Assistant.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

1. The Secretary (Perl), A & N Administration, Port Blair, for kind necessary action.

2. The Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi for necessary action pl.

General Secretary

Relay hunger strike by Contract teachers

3-3/CC/2010 10.08.2010


The Chief Secretary,

Andaman and Nicobar Administration,

Port Blair.


I draw your kind attention towards the relay-hunger strike being undertaken by a group of former Contract Teachers in front of the Directorate of Education, Port Blair, with the demand to regularize their services. They have been representing to the authorities in the Administration for the last few years, but their case was never examined by the department in a sympathetic manner.

These teachers had worked in various remote areas of this union territory on different occasions. However, they could not complete 24 months’ service and hence kept out of the scheme implemented by the department by which all those contract teachers who served 24 months in the department were considered for absorption.

Most of these teachers are married and shoulder the responsibility to look after their families. Their case needs sympathetic consideration by the Administration.

As a temporary measure, till a decision is taken on their demand for regular service, we suggest that these teachers may be temporarily re-engaged either under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) or against the ST vacancies which will give succor to these educated class of citizens.

I would, therefore, request your goodself kindly to intervene in the matter and direct the authorities in the Education Department to start the process of discussion with the agitating teachers.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

  1. The Principal Secretary (Education), A & N Administration
  2. The Director of Education, A & N Islands.
  3. The Secretary, South Andaman Teachers’ Branch, NGOs’ Association.

General Secretary

Delegation to meet Principal Secretary(Education)

3-3/CC/2010 06.08.2010


The Principal Secretary (Education),

Andaman and Nicobar Administration,

Port Blair.


A delegation of this Association would like to meet your goodself to discuss the following issues concerning the teachers working under the Education Department:

1. Anomaly in the Grade Pay of Heamdasters & left out categories of teaching staff: The matter has been pending with the GoI for a considerable time. The National Anomaly Committee in its 2nd meeting has dropped these items from its Agenda as the representatives of MHA agreed that the matter will the finalized in the UT level Anomaly Committee and proposal will be sent to MHA and then to Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, this has to be done at UT level immediately.

2. ISDA during summer vacation: The matter has been sent to GoI. This has to be speeded up.

3. Implementation of GoI’s order on Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 to all those who were in the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10000: In all other departments this order has been implemented while in the Education Department in many of the schools it is not being implemented and insist for further direction from the Directorate of Education even though it is not required.

4. Consultation with Association while amending Recruitment Rules: In the past, RRs for various posts in the Education Department were amended with vested interests of those of who are entrusted with the work. Provisions in the RRs of certain posts which are retrograde are required to be amended to render justice to affected teachers. We have been demanding this for the last several years.

5. Regularisation of adhoc service from initial appointments: Cases of more than 200 teachers are pending with the Directorate of Education. Among them, there are some teachers who went to Court and got favourable orders. Others did not approach the Court hoping that the department will do justice to them.

6. Pending ACP/MACP cases: Though the Education Department has done appreciable work to award ACP/MACP to some of the teachers, hundreds of others are waiting to get the upgraded Pay/Grade Pay.

I would, therefore, request your goodself kindly to intimate us a date and time suitable to you for the meeting.

This may be treated as MOST URGENT.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Extract from minutes of 2nd meeting of NAC

Extract of the minutes of the 2nd meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 27th March, 2010, circulated by the DOPT vide No.11/2/2008-JCA dated 4.5.2010

ltem Nos.52 & 53

The Official Side informed that these two items relate to anomalies pertaining to the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and therefore suggested that the same may also be dropped from the agenda of NAC. The Staff Side agreed with the suggestion subject to the condition that some mechanism should be evolved at the local level to discuss these anomalies. The Official Side agreed to take up the matter with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Dropping items from National Anomaly Committee

3-3/CC/2010 02.08.2010


The Chief Secretary,

Andaman and Nicobar Administration,

Port Blair.

Sub: Dropping of items from National Anomaly Committee – regarding.



I am to invite your kind attention towards the minutes of the 2nd meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 27th March, 2010 in New Delhi (Extract enclosed for kind perusal). In the said meeting, two items suggested by the Staff Side which relate to the anomaly in the Grade Pay of Headmasters and other left-out categories of teachers working under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration were dropped along with the items of Puducherry on the condition that the concerned UT Administration and Home Ministery will examine the items and forward its recommendations to the Ministry of Finance.

We had already brought to your kind notice in the past that the Sixth Central Pay Commission while recommending the upgraded Grade Pay to teachers and Principals under Part B were silent on the upgraded Grade Pay to Headmasters, Librarians, Physical Education Teachers, Primary School Resource Teachers, Craft Instructors, Music Teachers, etc.

Two brief notes on the above two items dropped by the National Anomaly Committee, which were submitted by the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi, are attached herewith for your kind perusal.

I would, therefore, request you kindly to look into the above matter and direct the authorities concerned to send a proposal to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for onward transmission to the Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India so that left-out categories of teachers working under the A & N Administration can be included in the Part-B.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above.

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

1. The Principal Secretary (Edn), A & N Administration, for kind necessary action.

2. Com KKN Kutty, Secretary General Confederation of Central Govt. Emloyees & Workers, New Delhi, for necessary action pl.

General Secretary

Setting up of Port Trust in this UT

3-9/CC/2010 26.07.2010


The Secretary to the Govt. of India,

Ministry of Shipping,

Transport Bhavan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi – 110 001.


I draw your kind attention towards the decision of the Govt. of India to set up a Port Trust at Port Blair in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This decision of the government has created considerable apprehension, anguish and discontentment among the employees working in the Andaman Labour Force, Port Management Board and Andaman Harbour Works, the three organizations proposed to be merged to create the Port Trust.

The apprehension of the employees and workers mainly related to their status in the new set up, service conditions and guarantee to continue to get their salary and other benefits. They are also worried over the future of such a new set up and its viability.

We have got information that the proposed Port Trust which will be an autonomous body will require a minimum of Rs. 50 crores per annuam towards salary for the entire work force while the expected income from all sources will be around 21 crores only. It is not clear as to who will make up the difference amount for making salary and other benefits to the employees and workers. Once the Port Trust has come into force, the government may dis-continue the budgetary provision extended to the above three organizations. The employees also apprehend that the proposed set up will pave way for privatization through back doors. It will, thus, curtail the job opportunity of local youths.

There is also apprehension among the employees about the viability to set up such a Port Trust in these islands. In the absence of any major import-export activities from the ports of these islands, there may not be much income from the proposed Port Trust.

Though the technical feasibility of the proposed Port Trust is yet to be published, we have been informed that the draft in the Port Blair ports is around 8 mtrs only, while the larger size ships require 13 mtrs and more draft to be able to berth at the port.

I would, therefore, request you kindly to re-consider the above decision and allow all the existing three organizations to continue to function in its present form, as formation of the Port Trust at Port Blair is bound to have adverse effect on the existing employees and workers and also local youths.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

  1. The Chief Secretary, A & N Administration, Port Blair.
  2. Com. KKN Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, New Delhi, for necessary action.

General Secretary

MACP for Group D Staff

2-2/CC/2010 16.06.2010


The Director of Education,

Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Port Blair.


The MACP has been implemented in many of the departments under the Administration for the erstwhile Group D staff.

It is requested that the cases of all the eligible erstwhile Group D staff for MACP may please be processed and finalized so that they will get the upgraded pay which will be of great relief to this section of employees.

Action taken in the matter may please be intimated to this Association.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Offering Distance & E-Learning Programmes to CG Employees

Department of Personnel and Training and Indira Gandhi National Open University have come together and signed a MoU for offering Distance & E- Learning Programmes to Central Government employees.

The Central Government employees can now enrol for a wide spectrum of Distance & E-Learning Programmes offered by IGNOU and get their fees reimbursed on successfully completing the programmes.

Distance &E-Learning Programmes for Government Employees (DELPGE)

1. Purpose/Objective
The purpose of the Programme is to increase the availability and flexibility of options open to employees for enhancing their knowledge and skills in order to improve the functioning of Government organisations and the delivery of services to the public.

2. Eligibility:
(i) The Programme is open to Central Employees (working in Ministries/Departments/Attached offices) and the faculty members of State Apex Training Institutions. The officers working under Public Sector Undertakings are not eligible for the Programmes covered under thisProgramme.
(ii) The specific conditions of eligibility of employees (including level of employee and Ministries covered) for each module/course will be decided for each course/module and notified from time to time by DoPT.

3. Types of Courses Offered under the Programme
The following category of courses are open for enrolment under thisprogramme:-
(i) Short-Duration Specialised modules:- The specialised Modules are basically oriented to cater to the requirement of Government employees in a specific domain.
(ii) Certificate Programmes:
(iii) Masters, PG and PG Diploma Programmes.

4. Notification of Courses/Programmes:-
The menu of courses/programmes on offer shall be reviewed annually by the Committee headed by the Joint Secretary, Training, Department ofPersonnel and Training with the members drawn from different Ministries.
Besides recommending the programmes to be offered under this Programme, the Committee shall also make recommendations on the eligibility of theemployees of different Ministries for the select courses.

5. Course review committee for upgrading the course material:-
(i) For certain Ministry specific courses, respective Nodal Ministry will be represented in the Course review Committee of IGNOU. The committee may also co-opt the following:-
(a) Representative of the nodal Ministry
(c) Director in charge distance learning in DoPT
The Course Review Committee may meet from time to time to review the course content based on the general feedback and make such recommendations as deemed necessary.

6. Admission Procedure
(i) The employees concerned have to apply directly in response to the admission notification of IGNOU subject to availability of funds.
(ii)The number of seats for Employees in each programme shall be limited to 50 and these will be offered on a first come first served basis.

7. Payment and Reimbursement of Fees
(i) The employees enrolling for the courses under this Programme will pay the required course fees to IGNOU. The amount so paid shall be re-imbursed to the employee on his/her successful completion of the course by IGNOU.
(ii) Employees failing to complete the course in the time limits and / or with the minimum qualifying grades prescribed by IGNOU shall not be eligible for any reimbursement.
(iii) Reimbursement for the Masters programme is available to an employee only once in his/her career.
(iv) The participants are eligible to enrol for only one programme at a time under this Programme.
(v) An officer is eligible to claim reimbursement/refund for successful completion of maximum of ten (10) numbers of Units in a block of five (5) years. The equivalent units for each course/programme are listed in the Table below:-

Sl.No. CategoryCategory/ Type of
Maximum Units
permissible in a
Block of 5 Years
1 A • Certificate/
• Advance Certificate
• PG Certificate
2 Unit 10 Units( with
combinations of
A,B,C and D)
2B• Masters 8 Units
3C• PG Diploma
• Advance Diploma
• Diploma
4 Units
4D• Select/Specialised Module 1 Unit

(vi)While applying for the programme, the applicant shall enclose an employment certificate as per prescribed Performa.

More details...

Revised Pay Scale for HeadMaster, Librarians, PET, Music Teacher, Other Misc. categories in Railway Schools


PC-VI No.221
RBE No.111/2010

New Delhi, dated 09.08.2010


The General Managers,
All Indian Railways / PUs

Sub: Revision of pay scales for Railway School Teachers in Misc. categories - on the recommendations of VI CPC.


The Ministry of Railways on the accepted recommendations of VI CPC, had revised the pay structure for the Primary School Teachers, Trained Graduate Teachers, Post Graduate Teachers of Railways Schools vide Board's letter No. PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/1 dated 22.9.2008.

2. The issue regarding revision in the pay scale of misc. categories of teachers was under consideration of Board in consultation with the nodal Ministry i.e. Ministry of Human Resource Development. It has now been decided to revised the pay scales of these categories as follows:-

(i) Miscellaneous categories of Teachers such as Music Teachers etc. / Librarian whose pay structure was at par with Primary Teachers before 01.01.2006.

Revised Scale(Rs.)
Music Teacher
Basic Grade
Senior Grade
Selection Grade
4500 - 7000
5500 - 9000
6500 - 10500
9300 - 34800 + 4200 PB-2
9300 - 34800 + 4600 PB-2
9300 - 34800 + 4800 PB-2

(ii) Miscellaneous categoreis of Teachers such as drawing Teahcer, Music Teachers etc. / Librarian whose pay structure was at par with Trained Graduate Teachers before 01.01.2006.

Revised Scale(Rs.)
Drawing / PET /
Home Science /
Yoga Music
Teacher etc. /
Basic Grade
Senior Grade
Selection Grade
5500 - 9000
6500 - 10500
7500 - 12000
9300 - 34800 + 4600 PB-2
9300 - 34800 + 4800 PB-2
15600 - 39100 + 5400 PB-3

(iii) The pay scale of Head Master working in Primary Schools and Middle Schools are as under:-

Revised Scale(Rs.)
Head Master
working in
Primary Schools.
Basic Grade
Senior Grade
Selection Grade
5500 - 9000
6500 - 10500
7500 - 12000
9300 - 34800 + 4600 PB-2
9300 - 34800 + 4800 PB-2
15600 - 39100 + 5400 PB-3
Head Master
working in
Middle Schools.
Basic Grade
Senior Grade
Selection Grade
6500 - 10500
7500 - 12000
8000 - 13500
9300 - 34800 + 4800 PB-2
15600 - 39100 + 5400 PB-3
15600 - 39100 + 6600 PB-3

3. The revised pay structure will take effect w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Dharam Pal)
Deputy Director Estt. (P&A)II,
Railway Board.

More details...