Saturday, June 27, 2015

Delegation meets Prof. Ramshankar Katheria, Hon'ble Union Minister of State (HRD)

A delegation of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands led by Shri H L Prasad, President & Shri T.S.Sreekumar, General Secretary, met                 Prof. Ramshankar Katheria, Hon’ble Union Minister of State, Human Resource Development, Govt. of India who is on a visit to these islands on today (27.06.2015) at Port Blair. The delegation submitted a memorandum containing some of the issues of teachers which are pending with the Govt. of India. The issues include Grant of Part-B upgraded pay to the left-out categories of teachers, grant of ISDA during summer vacation and enhancement of Medical Allowance.
The delegation brought to the notice of the Hon’ble Minister the undue delay in extending the Part-B upgraded pay to certain categories of teachers viz., HM(P) & HM(M), Librarians, PETs, Craft Instructors, etc., working in these islands. The Hon’ble Minister was also requested to intervene in the issue of grant of ISDA to teachers during summer vacation which is already cleared by the Finance Ministry, Govt. of India. The delegation further invited the attention of the Hon’ble Minister to demand for the hike in Medical Allowance from Rs. 75/- to Rs.1000/- and requested him to take up the issue with the concerned Ministry.

            The Hon’ble Minister after giving a patient hearing to the delegation assured that the issues raised by the Association shall be taken up with the appropriate authority. The delegation of the Association also included Shri R.Surendran Pillai, Secretary and Shri S.L.Vinjit, Joint Secretary, of the South Andaman Teachers’ Branch. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Happy News for Teachers on ISDA issue

As per a reliable information, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India has conveyed its concurrence to MHRD for the grant of Island Special Duty Allowance (ISDA) to the teachers during summer vacation. Around 6000 vacation staff of Education Department and Lecturers of various colleges will be benefited by the decision if MHRD process the matter and issue necessary orders.
The  Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers' Association has been taking up this issue with the Ministry of Finance, MHRD and Ministry of Home Affairs since 2009. The Secretary-cum-Director of Education genuinely deserve appreciation for timely action with Govt. of India


No. S. 14025/19/2015-MS
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhagavan, New Delhi
Dated : 27th May, 2015
Subject: Revision of time limit for submission of final claims reimbursement of medical expenses under CS(MA) rules, 1944 – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to OM No. F. 29-40/68-MA dated 15.10.1968 in which it was laid down that submission of final claims for reimbursement of medical expenses of Central Government servants in respect of a particular spell of illness should ordinarily be preferred within 3 months from the date of completion of treatment.

2. A representation was received from National Council (Staff Side) to extend the time limit for submission of such medical bills from 3 months to 6 months. The matter was examined in the Ministry and it has been decided that the period of 3 month s for submission of medical claims be revised to 6 months. Henceforth, only the cases in which the bills are submitted after 6 months from the date of completion of medical treatment/discharge of the patient from the hospital are required to be taken up for condonation. The power of condonation of such delays and other terms and conditions woukld be same as enumerated in the OM No.S.14025/8/99/-MS dated 25.05.1999.
3. The issue with the approval of the competent authority.
(Sunil Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source :

Friday, June 12, 2015

Meeting with the 7th Pay Commission Satisfactory – NC JCM Staff Side

“Members of the National Council JCM, which represents over 40 lakh Central Government employees all over India, met with the team of higher officials of the 7th Central Pay Commission on 9.6.2015”

It was revealed that the meeting with the 7th CPC was very satisfactory. By the end of August, the committee will submit its recommendations and from Jan 2016, the new pay scale, including all the allowances, will be implemented based on this report.

Elaborate discussions were held on crucial issues like Principles of wage determination and Minimum Wage & Ratio of Minimum and Maximum Pay. Also, popular demands like qualification related pay scales, and grant of increment to those retiring on June 30 and December 31, were also presented.

Issues over the fixing of pension parity between past and future pensioners. And the discrepancies in these methods and retirement benefits including revision of pension were also discussed.

JCM urged that the Need-Based Minimum Wage concept to compute pay at the minimum level may be adopted. Pay Commission should take into account the outside rates to determine the pay package at senior levels of bureaucracy but maintain the ratio between the minimum and maximum at 1 : 8 (MTS to Secretary to Govt. of India).

Staff side demanded open- ended pay scales to ensure that no employee stagnates without increment. We have suggested only 14 Pay scales. Minimum of which is Rs. 26000 and Maximum Rs. 78000 for Group C employees. We suggested that the multiplication factor (26000/7000 = 3.7) may be applied uniformly in all the cases to arrive at the revised pay in the new scales of pay. We also suggested that the benefit on promotion, therefore, should be: two increments in the feeder cadre.

A request was made to rectify the defects in the MACP scheme. NC JCM insists to grant five promotions in the service career. It should be given on their hierarchical basis.

Staff Side requested to remove the ceiling of Rs.3500 and request to recommend to the Central to grant the bonus on the basis of the actual emolument of the employee.

The JCM demanded for Educational Assistance for two children, instead of two eldest children, and also to pay the same for Post Graduate and Professional Courses.

The National Council requested to the 7th CPC to review and recommend the scarping of NPS in the light of the observations made by Hon’ble supreme court that pension is a fundamental justify.

Source: CG Staff News

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

7th CPC Report Submission Expected in August - NFIR Published details of Yesterday's Final Meeting

JCM Leaders with the members of VII Pay Commission 

Final Meeting with Seventh Central Pay Commission — June 9. 2015 - reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) 
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)


The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR
Dated: 09/06/20 15

Sub: Final Meeting with Seventh Central Pay Commission — June 9. 2015-reg.

Responding to the invitation received from the Vllth CPC, the JCM (Staff Side) delegation met the Pay Commission this day 09th June 2015 and deliberated again in detail on the following issues:-
(a) Minimum wage — (15th ILC norms/Dr. Achroyed Formula for determining minimum wage as proposed in the JCM Staff Side Memorandum),
(b) Rate of increment.
(c) Fitment Formula,
(d) Qualification related Pay Scales,
(e) Pay parity for common categories.
(I) Date of effect of revised Pay Structure and allowances etc.,
(g) Upward revision of Ex-gratia to the families of employees killed in the course of performing duties,
(h) Parity in pension for eliminating the discrimination,
(i) Rectification of MACPS aberrations,
(j) Grant of increment to those retiring on 30th June and 31st December of the year.
Various other issues were also discussed with the VII CPC today. While the response of the Pay Commission by and large has been satisfactory on many points mentioned above, the revised pay structure/allowances is likely to be recommended to be given effect from January 1st, 2016. With today’s discussions in the final meeting with VII CPC, the deliberations by the JCM Staff Side got concluded.

It is expected that the VII th CPC would submit its report to the Government by the end of August 2015. Prominent leaders among those participated in the deliberations are Dr. M. Raghavaiah Leader (JCM) Staff Side, NFIR’ s President Guman Singh. Working President R.P.Bhatnagar and Joint General Secretary B.C. Sharma.
Yours fraternally,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) 
General Secretary


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

7th Central Pay Commission's Final Meeting with JCM Staff Side National Council on 9th June 2015 at 11 AM at New Delhi

Discussion in National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 29.05.2015

The meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today at Room No. 72 , North Block.  Mrs. Mamatha Kundra, JS(E) Department of Personnel and Training chaired the meeting.  The Staff side was represented by:

1.      Com. M. Raghavaiah, Leader Staff Side, 2 Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, 3. Com. Bhosale (AiRF) .4. Com. Guman Singh(NFIR), 5. Com. K.K.N. Kutty(Confederation), Com. M.S. Raja ( Audit), Com. Srikumar (AIDEF)

The following issues alone were taken up for discussion at the meeting.  The next meeting of the NAC will be held on 9th June, 2015afternnon, when the un-discussed items (12) of the agenda will be taken up.  The Staff side also pointed out the need to reach finality on all issues included in the agenda of NAC.

Item No.1. Review of MACP where Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- is not available like Railways: The official side stated that the demand was to bring the hierarchy based MACP which may not be acceptable as it would disturb the uniformity across the Departments. They also said that in the background of 7th CPC coming into being, no change in the scheme at this stage would be desirable.

Item No. 2. Grant of Addl. Pay to Loco and Traffic running Staff in Railways.   After some discussions, it was agreed that the DOE will cause a reconsideration of the issue.

Item No. 3. MACP for personnel appointed under LDCE and GBDCE scheme in Railways. The official side agreed that under the ACP if the appointees under LCDE and GDCE have been treated as direct recruitment, the same might be treated in the same manner under MACP.

Item No. 4. Grant of minimum entry pay meant for direct recruits to promotees.   The official side stated that unless logically it is established that the proposed stepping up is needed, the direction of the FM in the matter cannot be got reversed. There was serious discussion in the matter thereafter.  The Staff side stated that the RPA rules promulgated after the 6th CPC recommendations were not in conformity with the Fundamental Rules on this issue.  They also stated that having once agreed to a position; the official side cannot withdraw there-from under the JCM Scheme.  They also stated that the course open to the official side was to present the case before the new Finance Minister.    On behalf of the Staff Side, the Secretary informed the official side that a rejection of an issue on which agreement is reached will not be taking lying down by the employees.  The Staff side also demanded that a meeting with the new Finance Minister be arranged so that they will be able to place this issue before his consideration.

Source: confederation website