Friday, December 31, 2010

I Wish the entire government employees and workers and their family members of these islands a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011. Let's hope the year ahead will be joyful and full of achievements.

General Secretary
NGOs' Association

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wishing a very Happy & Merry Christmas to all Central Government Employees from NGOs' Association.

Shri. Basudeb Acharia on Teachers' Issue


Shri. Basudeb Acharia, Leader of the CPI(M) group in Parliament has requested Shri. Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India to settle the demand raised by the Non-Gazetted Government Officers' Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands about the discrimination meted out to hundreds of left-out categories of teachers working in these islands on the implementation of the 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations. Forwarding a copy of the letter from Shri. D.Ayyappan, General Secretary of the Association, Shri. Basudeb Acharia, MP said that certain categories of teachers like Headmasters, PSRTs, Physical Education Teachers, Librarians, Music Teachers, Craft Instructors etc., have been denied of the upgraded pay under Part B of the 6th CPC. He said that before implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations, the above categories of teachers were treated at par with the Graduate Trained Teachers and Post Graduate Trained Teachers. Shri. Basudeb Acharia, MP told Shri Kapil Sibal that denial of the above benefit to the teachers of A & N Islands will be a sheer discrimination on the part of the authorities as Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Indian Railway etc., have already allowed the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B to the above left-out categories of teachers and miscellaneous teachers working under them.

General Secretary
NGOs' Association

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


News Item

The Annual General Body Meeting of Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Rangat Branch was held on 19th December 2010 at the Zilla Parishad Auditorium, Rangat. Shri P.C.Tikait, Principal, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Rangat was the Chief Guest during the inaugural session. Shri Sadanand Rai, Organising Secretary and Shri R.Rajendran, Office Secretary of the Central Committee addressed the gathering and briefed about various issues which have been taken up by the Association during the year.

Shri Sadan Chandra Das, Branch Secretary presented the working report of the branch while Shri Assaithambi presented the audited accounts. Earlier, Shri Santosh Kumar Roy welcomed the Chief Guest, leaders and others present on the occasion.

The Meeting elected Shri Solai Raj as Vice President and Shri Deepak Karmakar as Secretary besides other Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members of the Branch Committee. The meeting discussed various issues and demands concerning Govt. Employees in general and those posted in Middle Andaman in particular and resolutions adopted on it. Shri Biswanath Mondal, Joint Secretary, Rangat Branch proposed vote of thanks.


(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

NGOs’ Association

Cell: 9434260430

General Body Meeting of Staff Car Drivers

News Item

The General Body meeting of the Staff Car Drivers Sub-Committee of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association was held on 19th December, 2010 at Port Blair. The meeting was addressed by Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary and Shri P. Sathyapal, Assistant General Secretary of the Association and Shri B. Chandrachoodan, General Secretary, CITU, A & N State Committee. Various issues concerning the Staff Car Drivers were discussed in the meeting and resolutions adopted. Earlier, Shri M.S. Basheer, Secretary, Staff Car Drivers Sub-Committee presented the report. The meeting elected Shri Harbhajan Singh as Vice President and Shri M.S. Basheer as Secretary besides other office bearers and Executive Committee Members.



(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

NGOs’ Association

Cell: 9434260430

Agitation by employees of Rural Development Department postponed


The Rural Development Sub-Committee of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers' Association has decided to postpone the proposed agitation by the employees of the Rural Development Department following an assurance given by the Director of Rural Development & PRIs, Andaman and Nicobar Islands that all the pending cases of ACP and MACP will be settled in the first week of January, 2010. The Director of Rural Development & PRIs has also assured the Association that the remaining demands of the Association will be settled early.

General Secretary
NGOs' Association

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Procession to protest the rise in prise of Petrol

3-12/CC/2010 Dated16.12.2010

News Item

The Non-Gazetted Government Officers’ Association and Centre of Indian Trade Unions jointly organized a procession at 6 p.m. today (16.12.2010) at Port Blair to protest against the hike in the prices of Petrol. The procession which began from Phoenix Bay culminated at Tiranga Park, Aberdeen Bazar covering large areas of the town. Shri B. Chandrachoodan, General Secretary, CITU A & N State Committee and TS Sreekumar, Asst. General Secretary of the NGOs’ Association addressed the gathering at Tiranga Park while the procession was led by Shri D. Ayyappan, General Secretary, Shri SK Afser Ali, Vice President and Shri HL Prasad, Vice President and Shri P. Sathyapal, Asst. General Secretary of the Association. Government employees and workers participated in the procession who shouted slogans against the frequent hike of petrol and diesel by Oil Companies and demanded withdrawal of the de-regulation on petrol.



General Secretary

Exorbitant Air Fare by Airlines

3-3/CC/2010 Dated 02.12.2010


The Director General of Civil Aviation,

Government of India,

Opp. Safdergunj Road,

New Delhi – 110 003.


I am forwarding herewith a copy of the resolution adopted in the Central Executive Committee meeting of this Association held on 27th November, 2010 at Port Blair on the unreasonably exorbitant fare charged by Airlines operating between Port Blair and mainland sectors.

I would request you kindly to take necessary action on the contents of the resolution.

Action taken in the matter may please be intimated to this Association.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above.

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Copy to:

1. The Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Air India Ltd., Air - India Building, Nariman Point,
Mumbai - 400 021, India.

2. Com. Basudeb Acharya, MP, 21, Ashoka Road, New Delhi for kind necessary action.

General Secretary


Copy of the resolution adopted in the Central Executive Committee meeting of the Non-Gazetted Govt. Officers’ Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands at Port Blair

Exorbitant Air Fares between Port Blair and Mainland


The Central Executive Committee meeting of the Non-Gazetted Government Officers Association notes with grave concern that the private airlines operating between the Port Blair and mainland sectors are charging air fares in an exorbitant manner, causing concern among the islanders. The meeting noted that sometimes these Airlines are charging Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 for a ticket in the Port Blair - mainland sectors. People who are required to proceed to mainland for medical treatment and other urgent nature of work are being squeezed by these private airlines. The meeting noted that unlike Air India Ltd., these private airlines do not have any fixed fare for the mainland-Port Blair sectors because of which the Airlines charge high fare at their will and wish taking advantage of the urgency of the people. The meeting noted that even the maximum fare fixed by the Air India Ltd for the Port Blair – Chennai/Kolkata sectors are high as compared to the fares in other sectors.

The meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Association urges upon the authorities concerned to prevail upon the private airlines operating in the Port Blair – mainland sectors to fix/indicate their maximum fare and also to reduce the exorbitant fares now being charged by them and to stop the exploitation of the islanders by these airlines. The meeting also resolved to urge upon the authorities to direct the Air India Ltd to reduce their fares in the Port Blair- Kolkata/Chennai sectors and to make available more low fare tickets considering the remoteness of these islands.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Injustice Meted Out with LGCs and HGCs


The National Council Meeting of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, New Delhi, held on 1st December, 2010 at Mumbai, has decided again to bring to the notice of the Government of India the injustice meted out to the cadres of Lower Division Clerks and Upper Division Clerks by the 6th Central Pay Commission. The National Council Meeting noted that while the Notice Servers in the Income Tax Department and the Postmen in Postal Department are given higher pay and Grade Pay, the LDCs are assigned with lesser Grade Pay even though the minimum educational qualification for recruitment in their case has been stipulated to be 10+2 whereas those who are assigned with higher grade pay has to have only matriculation for the initial recruitment. The National Council Meeting of the Confederation has decided that the Government must be asked to upgrade all existing Lower Division Clerks and Upper Division Clerks or equivalent cadres in all Government Departments either as Executive Assistants with Grade Pay of Rs4200/- as recommended by the 6th CPC or assign them with the Grade Pay of atleast Rs.2800/- if such whole scale up-gradation in any department is considered not feasible. The Non-Gazetted Government Officers' Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which is affiliated to the Confederation, has been demanding up-gradation of the pay of Lower Grade Clerks and Higher Grade Clerks working in these islands for the last several years.
General Secretary

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Circular published on Confederation Website

Circular published from Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers...

We have reproduced the content of the post has been published in the "Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers" website...

The National Council meeting of the Confederation was held at DGFASLI Central Labour Institute Chunabatti Road, Sion, Mumbai 400 022 on Ist December, 2010 as per the notice issued on 11th November, 2010. Detailed minutes of the meeting indicating the names of participants and the submissions made by the comrades who participated in the discussions will be issued separately later. We convey the decision taken on each item of agenda subjected to deliberation at the meeting.

The meeting was presided over by Com.S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation.

Com.K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General informed the house before the agenda was taken up for discussion that the BSNL employees are on strike and the strike is slated to continue for three days against the attitude of the Government and its concerted efforts to make BSNLt a sick unit to pave way for the private telecom providers to push BSNL out of business so that they can amass profit at the cost of Indian people. He explained various steps taken by the Government in this regard and how the BSNL was not permitted to even purchase technology and material so that they would be able to compete effectively with other private players in the field. He also informed the house that the Government has again taken up the issue of disinvestment of 30% of BSNL shares. The house adopted a resolution expressing its solidarity with the striking workers of BSNL and the Secretary General was asked to convey the same to the leaders of the BSNL.Employees Union and place the same on Confederation website. ( Kindly see the resolution placed on the website)

The meeting approved the agenda for discussion and accepted the proposal of Com. President to club item No.1 and 7 together as also Item No. 2 and 6. Item No. 1 and 5

The review discussion on the extent of participation of CGEs in the general strike of Working class on 7th September, 2010 was extensive and the comrades who took part in the discussion did give wide ranging details of the efforts, undertaken, the success and failure, strength and weakness. The consensus was that the participation despite the positive feature of the INTUC unions joining the strike could have been better. It noted that some of the State Committees and affiliates had not c concentrated on the campaign, to elicit the conscious and active participation of the grass root level members. The feeling of the employees especially in the Northern States that the issues specific to central government employees had not been addressed could not be effectively eradicated. Besides, the importance of the struggle against the present economic policies, its cataclysmic effect on the conditions of living of the working people, the impetus it provides to the organizational efficacy and capacity could not be effectively brought home in these States. Wherever such efforts had been undertaken the response has been, the meeting noted, very good. The meeting noted the efforts of the Chennai COC in reaching out to the members by organizing campaign meetings and distribution of pamphlets etc. in residential colonies. The vehicle Jathas and district conventions organized by the Kerala State Committee and its efforts in reaching out to the grass root level workers came in for appreciation. The West Bengal Comrades explained in detail of the steps taken by the State COC in calling the meeting of all Secretaries of the units of the affiliates, distribution of centrally prepared pamphlets, organizing gate meetings prior to the strike and deploying active workers on the day of strike in front of all offices etc. to make the strike participation total in the State.

The meeting noted that the large scale victimization in the offices of the Accountant General and in certain offices of the Postal Department had an adverse impact in mobilizing the employees especially in these organizations. In the light of the deliberations, the meeting decided:

i. To formulate a charter of demands on CGE specific issues

ii. To continue the campaign to stress the necessity of the participation in the general trade union action against the neo liberal economic policies, which are the root causes in non settlement of the demands

iii. To take steps to revamp the functioning of the State Committees and for that objective in view convene (a) meeting of all State Committees to ensure that the annual conference and election of the State Committees are held within the specified time (b)to chalk out ways and means to help the State Committees to bring about regular democratic functioning and interaction with the affiliated unions (c) to ensure that the communication between the CHQ and State Units is strengthened (d) the circulars are translated into vernacular and distributed. The said meeting will be convened on 24th Feb. 2010 at New Delhi in which the Chq. Sectt. Members will take part.

iv. To have larger participation of CGEs in the 23rd Feb. March to Parliament by

a.Requesting all State Committees to immediately organize state convention of all affiliated units and enlisting the comrades who are to be deployed for participating in the march to parliament on 23rd Feb. 2010.
b. The CHQ in consultation with the State Committees will determine the number of participants from each State
c. Larger mobilization will be ensured from the States of Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, U.P. H.P. and Madhya Pradesh.
d. The CHQ will discuss with the States Committee of the above States of the finances required for arranging buses etc.

Agenda Item No. 2 and 6.

i.The meeting noted that the real wages of Central Government employees have eroded significantly in as much as the inflation had raised the prices of essential commodities especially of food items beyond 175% whereas the DA compensation had been only to the extent of 45%. The way in which the Govt. had been dilly dallying the anomaly issues of the 6th CPC has indicated unambiguously that it will have the same fate of the 5th CPC anomalies. By January, 1st, 2011. the DA component in the emoluments of CGEs will cross over 50%. The JCM functioning both at the National and Departmental level has deteriorated and meetings have become extremely irregular whereas at the Departmental level it has become almost defunct. Many affiliates of the Confederation have complained of the non- functioning of the JCM forum for one reason or the other. The meeting also noted that there had been no recommendation of the 6th CPC on the periodicity of wage revision and in the case of PSU the Government had to concede their demand for wage agreements in every five year. In view of these factors, the meeting adopted a resolution to demand wage revision on the expiry of the five year period i.e. with effect from 1.1.2011. The meeting decided to undertake intensive campaign on this issue throughout the country.

ii.This apart the meeting also discussed various pressing issues of the Central Govt. employees and decided to take the important issues in the charter of demand and organize trade union action in pursuance thereon. The charter of demands adopted after discussion and the phased programme of action decided upon is annexed to this circular letter. The CHQ Sectt. will circulate a brief explanatory Note on each demand to indicate the issues covered.

iii.The meeting also discussed over the confusion created by the DOPT order on the composition of the JCM whereby almost all the employees in most of the Departments would be out of the ambit of the JCM. The meeting after detailed discussions on the pros and cons of the issue adopted a resolution to demand:

That the Councils of the JCM at all levels should have the cadres and categories of employees who were participants in the Negotiating body at its inception through the Joint Intent irrespective of the change of classification and pay scales or pay bands brought about later. It was also decided that it should be brought to the notice of the Government that no unilateral decision in the matter by the DOPT can be taken as it would amount to violation of an agreement reached between the employees and the Government.

v.The meeting also adopted a resolution to the effect that the various entitlement like LTC facilities and air travel concession to NE regions, Daily allowance, entitled for the Governmental Accommodation etc. must be passed on Pay in the Pay Band plus the Grade Pay of an employee and not on any other criterion like Grade Pay or classification of Posts etc.

vi.The meeting noted with dissatisfaction that the recognition of hospital under the CGHS for inpatient treatment of late has become a nagging problem with the Health Ministry changing the procedure every now and then and put the beneficiaries to extreme hardship in many cities. The Government's approach in the matter has, the meeting noted, only helped the Private entrepreneurs in the Health industry to amass wealth and the recognition on the basis of the lowest tender had been at a perilous cost of the CGHS beneficiaries. The meeting decided to place before the Government the following suggestion for the recognition of hospitals in each city.

i.Identify the reputed hospitals in each city by a committee with the members of beneficiaries in each town/city covered by the CGHS Scheme

ii.The Health Ministry must negotiate with these hospitals the rate at which they will provide the treatment to the Government officials taking into accounts various facilities extended to these institutions by the Govt.

iii.If the reputed hospitals are run by charitable trusts enjoying the tax benefits, they should be asked to treat the CGEs on normal market rate as reduced by atleast 30%.

vii.To raise before the Government the anomaly that has arisen especially in the Postal Department on the introduction of MACP in replacement of the time bound promotion scheme and seek amendment to the existing clarification whereby the three proimotion scheme would not be less beneficial than the existing scheme of time bound promotion in any department. To bring to the notice of the Government the injustice meted out to the cadres of LDC and UDCs by the 6th CPC whereby they become entitled to even lesser pay than the erstwhile Group D employees. While the Notice Servers in the Incometax Department and the Postmen in Postal Department are given higher Pay and Grade Pay the LDCs are assigned with lesser Grade Pay even though the minimum educational qualification for recruitment in their case has been stipulated to be 10+2 whereas those are assigned with higher grade Pay has to have only Matriculation for the initial recruitment. It was decided that the Government must be asked to upgrade all existing Lower Division and Upper Division or equivalent cadres in all Government Department either as Executive Assistants with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 as recommended by the 6th CPC or assign them with the Grade pay of atleast Rs. 2800/- if such whole scale up-gradation in any department is considered infeasible.

viii.To demand the setting up of anomaly committees in all Departments/Ministries and immediate convening of the Departmental Councils as per the directive of the Department of Personnel and Training. If for any reason the Anomaly committees are unable to be set up in any department/Ministry, the concerned Ministry/Department should be asked to set up the Anomaly committees with the nominated members of the Standing Committee of the National Council as has been done in the case of many Ministries to resolve the anomalies arising from the 5th CPC recommendations.

Agenda Item No.3. National Anomaly Committee issues.

Com. S.K. Vyas, President explained in detail the deliberation at the National Anomaly Committee meeting and the sub committee meeting in which the MACP items were separately discussed. The clarification sought by various members on these issues were provided. It was decided that in the case of MACP some more issues must be raised by the Confederation before the next anomaly committee meeting as was pointed out by Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Class III and many other. The meeting asked the Secretary General to finalize the issue in discussion with the comrades of NFPE.

Agenda Item No.4. Issues raised before the National Council JCM.

The Secretary General was asked to place on the website the issues already taken up by the Staff Side with the Government in brief and seek further items from all affiliates and COCs . This was agreed to.

Agenda Item No.7 Organisational review:

The meeting decided that:

(i)the CHQ Sectt. should meet on 24th Feb. 2010 along with the Secretaries of all State Committees with a view that concrete steps are taken to ensure that the State Committees are constituted with the representatives of the Districts; the new office bearers are elected if the two year term has been expired and to ensure that the communication between the State Committees and the CHQ on the one hand and the State Committees and the District Committees on the other is properly established and the State Committees are helped to function as vehicles for implementation of the programmes chalked out by the Confederation in future.

(ii)The National Women Convention will be held at Kolkata on 7th and 8th February, 2010 and the Affiliates and State Committees will be entitled to depute the following number of delegates to participate in the said convention.

a.All India Audit and Accounts Association. 15

b.Income tax Employees Federation 20

c.National Federation of Postal Employees 30

(f) Federation of Atomic Energy Employees 10

(g) All India Civial Accounts Employees Assn. 10

(h) Confederation of Pondichery State Employees 05

(i) ISRO Employees Association 03

(j) Ground Water Board 02

(k) All other affiliates 02 each

(l) All State Committees will nominate two delegates (selected from their specific affiliates – i.e. Other than the All India organizations which are affiliated with the Confederation at the National Level)

The affiliated will report to the CHQ the names of the delegates who will be attending the convention by 10th January, 2011 latest. The affiliated will take care that they do no nominate any lady comrade from the State of West Bengal as the State Committee of West Bengal who has taken the responsibility of making arrangements for the convention would be nominating large number of lady comrades from that state to participate.

(iii)The meeting also discussed the remittances of the subscription due to the CHQ by the affiliates and the State Committee. The representatives of the affiliates and the State Committee who participated in the discussions on the subject agreed to clear the dues by 31st March, 2011 latest. The Secretary General was asked to intimate the dues to each affiliate separately by letters.

(iv) The house on the basis of the discussion earlier held decided that the Confederation should ensure participation of sizeable number of Central Government employees in the ensuing programme of "March to Parliament" on 23rd February, 2010 for which the call has been given by the Central Trade Unions. The CHQ sectt. was urged that a campaign programme is chalked out by which a member of the Sectt. attends the State Conventions/meetings convened for this purpose and the Delhi State Committee and the neighbouing State Committee are specially mobilized for this purpose.

Agenda Item No. 8.

Com. President permitted only a few comrades to raise certain important issues under the agenda for paucity of time. The Secretary General, All India Canteen Employees Association raised the issue of the order of the Government in not filling up the vacancies in the Canteen as a permanent measure. Many comrades raised the issue of non representation of many affiliates in the meetings as also of the State Committees. It was suggested that after the proposed meeting of the State Committees on 24th Feb. 2010, the Sectt. must convene a meeting of the Chief Executives of all affiliates separately to revamp the organizational functioning of the Confederation.

Com. President in his concluding remarks appreciated the lively discussion in the meeting and thanked the Mumbai State Committee for the excellent arrangements made by them for the conduct of the meeting, on behalf of the CHQ Sectt as also on behalf of the affiliates and State Committees. The meeting was concluded at 9.00 PM.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General

Principal, TGCE to hand over the Service Records

In a letter received from the Assistant Director of Education (Admn.), Directorate of Education, A & N Admn., which had informed the Principal, Tagore Govt. College of Education, Port Blair to hand over the service records related to teachers of GDMS, Primary & Secondary to the Principal, Govt. Boys' Senior Secondary School without further delay.
Earlier, the South Andaman Teachers' Branch of NGOs' Association had pursued the above said matter with the concerned authorities though letter.

South Andaman Teachers' Branch

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Non-Payment of Salary to Teachers Settled

In a partial modification to the Directorate of Education's earlier order no.4199 dated 23rd September, 2010, the Secretary(Education), Andaman and Nicobar Administration has revised the allocation of post of Primary School Teacher, Graduate Trained Teacher and Post Graduate Teacher under Non-Plan and Plan amongst the Education Department with effect from 1st October, 2010. The Post allocated vide Order No. 4199 dated 23rd September, 2010 to the remaining DDOs shall remain unchanged.

The issue of non-payment of salaries to 64 teachers under various DDOs has been settled. Earlier, the Association had taken-up the matter with the concerned authorities through letters and delegations.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Disparity in Grade Pay of Left Out categories of Teachers in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

3-3/CC/2010 30.11.2010


The Hon’ble Lt. Governor,

Andaman and Nicobar Islands,

Port Blair.

Sub: Grant of upgraded Grade Pay to left-out

categories of teachers - regarding.



I am to refer to the memorandum submitted to Your Excellency on 5th September, 2010 by the South Andaman Teachers’ Branch of this Association which contained among other things the demand for grant of upgraded Grade Pay under Part B of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 to the left-out categories of teaching and non-teaching staff working under the Education Department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Ever since the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, this Association has been approaching the A & N Administration to grant the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B to all the teaching and non-teaching staff like Headmaster (Middle), Headmaster (Primary), Physical Education Teacher, PSRT, Librarian, Music Teacher, Craft Instructor, etc.

It is submitted that the above-categories of teachers working in the union territory of Puducherry, GNCT of Delhi, Kendriya Vidyalayas, Novodaya Vidyalayas, Railway Schools, etc. have already been granted the upgraded Grade Pay. Copies of the orders issued by the above governments and organizations have already been submitted to the Administration. Copies of the same are submitted herewith for the kind reference of Your Excellency.

Since the teachers working in Puducherry, Delhi and various organizations under the central government have been given the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B, there is no justification to deny the same to the teachers working under the Andaman and Nicobar Administration.

I would, therefore, request Your Excellency to look into this matter personally and take appropriate steps to extend the upgraded Grade Pay under Part B of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 to all the left-out categories of teachers working under the Education Department of Andaman and Nicobar Administration and, thus, render justice to them.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

NGOs' Association Sidetracked by Examining Committee

3-3/CC/2010 14.09.2010


The Secretary (Perl),

Andaman and Nicobar Administration,

Port Blair.


This Association has been requesting the Administration over the years to undertake a cadre restructuring of the Amalgamated Clerical Cadre as recommended by the Fifth Central Pay Commission considering the fact that all-round stagnation exists among the clerical cadre staff. A series of meetings were held with the former Secretary (Perl) by this Association on this issue.

However, it has been noticed that the Committee constituted to examine the proposal for restructuring has held discussions with one other Association, keeping this Association at bay. Though this Association has been pursuing the matter for quite a long time with the Administration, it is regretted to say that we have been sidetracked by the officials concerned thereby denying us an opportunity to present our views on the matter. This has created resentment among the clerical cadre staff.

This is for your kind information and necessary action.

Yours faithfully,

(D. Ayyappan)

General Secretary

Cell: 9434260430

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The Non-Gazetted Government Officers' Association, Andaman and Nicobar Islands condoles the sudden demise of Shri. Jokhi Ram, GTT, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, School Line, Port Blair on 1st December, 2010 at a hospital in New Delhi. He was 57 years. He was a member of this Association. A native of Rampur in Uttar Pradesh, Shri. Jokhi Ram left behind his wife and three children. Non-Gazetted Government Officers' Association conveys its heartfelt grief and sympathy to his family members.

General Secretary
NGOs' Association